I Know You Have a Beef Stew Strangers With Candy Stew

This is a list of characters from the Comedy Key original program Strangers with Candy.

The Blanks [edit]

Jerri Blank [edit]

Geraldine Antonia "Jerri" Blank (Amy Sedaris) was born in 1953 to a drunken Aramapu woman, who traded her for a pitcher of beer. She was adopted by Guy Bare and his wife, whom she believes to be her real mother. In 1967, Jerri dropped out of high school and ran away from abode. During her absence, her adoptive mother died and her male parent married a second wife, Sara, who is around Jerri's own historic period. Effectually 1984, Jerri was living in Florida, where she was beaten past a border guard and lost a molar. That same year, she became pregnant by either an obese, harelipped bond bondsman or a Cuban. She gave birth to a child, Ricky (Fred Koehler), whom she traded for a guitar. She claims to have had several other pregnancies, all of which were aborted, or perchance miscarried, considering her drug addiction. She served several prison sentences, most recently because she, every bit worded in the introduction, "stoled [sic] the Television receiver". In 1999, Jerri returned to Flatpoint and re-enrolled in high school at the historic period of 46.

She is openly racist, though she appears to be completely oblivious to this fact. For example, she denied whatever racism to her friend Paul Cotton immediately before showing him her heavily stereotyped drawing of a "Chinaman". She often compares her Filipino friend Orlando to a monkey, although her remarks aren't meant to crusade law-breaking (she thinks monkeys are ambrosial). She too makes randomly anti-Semitic remarks, which is curious considering she doesn't know whatever Jewish people. At one point, she feels compelled to apologize to her diary for being racist to it. Jerri's bigotry is always presented as an case of her stupidity and ignorance, and she has never been violent towards whatsoever of the minority groups she insults; withal, in the twisted, valueless world of the show, her views are never really contradicted or punished, and she is inevitably immune to carry on with her behavior. The show'due south storylines besides provide her with many opportunities to be insensitive to other groups, such every bit the blind and the disabled.

Jerri is not very intelligent, but she is a shrewd thief and resourceful drug user (eastward.g., finding a vein, creating drugs from household cleaners, etc.). She was illiterate until the episode "The Bare Page," where she tried out for cheerleading and was shunned considering she guessed that "Five-I-C-T-O-R-Y" spelled "Win!" (or possibly "fandango" or "hobocamp"), but Mr. Noblet helped her learn to read. She is a violin prodigy, as seen in the episode "To Exist Immature, Gifted, and Blank." In that episode, she was also the timpanist for the school'south orchestra. At the end of "Yes, You Can't," she is seen playing the drums for "Carry On Wayward Son," possibly leading the viewer to believe that she is a talented drummer besides. In "Trail of Tears," Jerri proves herself to exist an excellent "Indian": she's a slap-up archer, scalper, and torch-thrower. She likewise does not seem to be above any class of inappropriate intercourse, in one case saying that she and a male child she had simply discovered was her son could nevertheless make out, or continuing to take sexual activity later on being diagnosed with syphilis, gonorrhea, and venereal.

Jerri seems to have quite a collection of wigs (her hairstyle changes constantly, growing longer or shorter within a unmarried episode) and wears an inordinate amount of makeup. Sedaris intended her to look "like somebody who owns snakes" (which she does in an early on episode). She has a very large genital piercing (which she calls "The Liberty Bong") and sports tattoos across her knuckles (Hard on 1 hand, Luck on the other, a parody of Robert Mitchum's tattoos in Nighttime of the Hunter [though in some episodes, according to Amy Sedaris, the Luck sometimes becomes Fuck]). Despite all the attempt she puts into her advent and her own belief that she is quite sexy, over the form of the serial she is frequently mistaken for an old man. She is desperate to be liked and accepted, even going then far equally to bring together a cult with this purpose in listen.

In the series finale, "The Final Temptation of Bare," Jerri'south big eye caused the virtually popular daughter (Winona Ryder) in school to run off to become a junkie whore similar her, and afterward she, Master Blackman, Mr. Jellineck, and Mr. Noblet determine to become whores after they burn down down the school, as they feel this life management "beats educational activity."

Guy Blank [edit]

Guy Blank (Roberto Gari, Dan Hedaya in the flick) is Jerri's adoptive father, shown merely in a voiceless, frozen state during mid-action (for case, carving a turkey, driving a auto, or participating in a father–daughter sack race practice). Guy appeared in the pilot and in the episodes "Old Habits, New Ancestry", "A Burden's Burden", "Who Wants Cake?", "Bogie Nights", "Plume in the Storm", "Jerri is Only Skin Deep", and finally "The Bye Guy". In this episode, he is mauled to death by dogs, traumatizing Jerri but allowing her to learn the lesson that "you can never really lose your parents, unless of course they die, and then they're gone forever." Guy played the violin until the death of Jerri'south mother, afterwards which he adult a seeming hatred for the instrument. Show points to Guy Blank as being a racist; he evidently calls Principal Blackman by "an ugly word," requested that "no darkies" attend his funeral, and owned some Klan robes (Jerri discovered them in his cupboard afterward his death, although she was distracted and didn't seem to detect them, or else didn't care) - this may as well accept contributed to Jerri's racism. Based on ane picture Jerri finds after Guy's decease, it appears that in the continuity of the show, it was Guy and not Steve McMichael who joined the Four Horsemen professional wrestling stable in 1996.

Removed from the regular cast list after the outset flavour, he is credited equally guest star in afterwards appearances.

Sara Blank [edit]

Sara Blank (Deborah Blitz) is Jerri'southward alcoholic stepmother who favors her son over her stepdaughter and has an ongoing thing with Stew, the meat man. While she is generally quite prim, she is also openly racist. She was in every episode except "Yes, You lot Tin can't" and "The Blank Page". She is quite disdainful of Jerri (in the Strangers film, she told Stew, "I wouldn't want you to think that that slithered out of my womb."), but she delivers nearly of her lines with a sugary sweet that hides much of her true venom. She makes no hugger-mugger of wanting Jerri out of the house, simply for some reason she goes along with the thought of Jerri as a high-school daughter and treats Jerri more similar an unwanted teenage daughter than a twoscore-something-twelvemonth-old woman. Sara was an actress when she was young and played Peter Pan in a stage production; when Jerri got a office in A Raisin in the Lord's day, Sara became very biting, drunkenly sobbing, "Peter Pan has gotten erstwhile!" On one occasion, though, Sara seemed almost caring toward Jerri, taking an involvement in whom she was inviting to a dance and offering to reinforce the "trouble spots" on her dress if information technology turned out Jerri took one of the trigger-happy students (she was very worried that Jerri would take the "new kid").

While Sara and Derrick seem to despise Jerri, when Jerri briefly vanished from their lives, they made a big show of being worried and consoling each other; of class, every time the telephone rang (it was Jerri), they picked it upward only to immediately hang it up again. Eventually, they cut the phone cord with a butcher pocketknife and took no further action to find Jerri.

Removed from the regular cast list after the beginning season, in later appearances she is credited as guest star.

Derrick Bare [edit]

Derrick Bare (Larc Spies, Joseph Cross in the picture show) is Jerri'south junior varsity jock half-brother who is suspected of being a closeted homosexual. In "Is My Daddy Crazy?", when Jerri was hosting a sleepover, his female parent urged him to hide in the closet and masturbate to the scene of high-school girls having a pillow fight, but he declined in favor of reading his "gladiator magazines." He was, however, entranced by guest-star Winona Ryder in the series finale "The Last Temptation of Blank". Another clue to his alleged homosexuality comes in "Is Freedom Free?" when Mr. Jellineck, sporting just a Speedo (because it'due south "Liberty Week"), declares that he'south "going to come across Derrick". Jellineck, a closeted homosexual, would have fiddling other reason to visit Derrick, especially in a Speedo.

Derrick typically refers to Jerri equally "Plug" or "Troll", and in several episodes he appears shut to striking her, but something - a doorknob, his father's mitt - e'er holds him dorsum (in "The Trip Back", he perhaps came closest to the truth when he sneered, "Y'all're just lucky I'm a coward!"). Jerri's usual retort to his bullying is calling him a "faggot" (or getting artistic about it, such as "Sir Fags-a-Lot"). He has a crew of jock friends, and they relish bullying blind kids and other unfortunates. They likewise have a garage band, from which ane member (Mark Ibold) is ejected for being too talented and making the others look bad ("Behind Blank Eyes"). On one occasion, after one of their targets verbally shot them downwardly, Derrick suggested to his friends that they "go sentinel some gay porn and get our hate back!" He was in every episode except "Yes, You Tin't", "The Blank Folio", "To Love, Honor, and Pretend", and "Bully".

Removed from the regular cast list after the first flavour, he is credited in afterward appearances equally guest star.

Stew [edit]

Stew (David Pasquesi) is the lover that Sara Bare took after Guy Blank's decease. He is married and has 2 children, Chuck and Patty. He is a "meat human," a butcher and meat delivery man, which is used as a basis for puns and other running gags throughout the series. In "Is My Daddy Crazy?", he went temporarily insane and coated the firm with cheese before his reflection fired him, and he was cured by Jerri drilling a hole through his skull.

He appeared in many episodes of the first and 2nd seasons before Guy's death, in close relationship with Sara, leading many to strongly doubtable they were having an thing. Even before Guy's expiry, he filled the role of father to Jerri, kickoff past being unthoughtful and emotionally abusive similar Sara, and then by being loving and attentive when he became completely insane.

Stew'due south proper noun is intentionally spelled like the food, as is confirmed by his work shirt which has S-T-E-Westward on the name tag (seen in the picture and in episodes such as "Plumage in the Storm").

Flatpoint faculty [edit]

Character Position Actor/Extra
Onyx Blackman Principal Greg Hollimon
Iris Puffybush Secretary Dolores Duffy
Cassie Pines Pupil counselor Janeane Garofalo
Chuck Noblet History / science Stephen Colbert
Geoffrey Jellineck Fine art Paul Dinello
Cherri Wolf Health / concrete education Sarah Thyre
Jazzy Music Larry Marshall
Joe Liss Football game coach Joe Liss

Chuck Noblet [edit]

Charles "Chuck" Noblet (Stephen Colbert) is a bitter history (usually) teacher at Flatpoint Loftier School. He seems to make up virtually everything he teaches, stating that in low-cal of the Japanese American internment, "information technology's important that we never forget the atrocities that the Japanese committed against our boys",[1] that "following his tearing revolution, Gandhi was devoured past his followers",[2] that "the tragedy" of Martin Luther Male monarch Jr.'s life "is that all this footage is in blackness and white; imagine how powerful it would have been in color" (and adding that he is "not certain" what happened to King),[three] that "the tragic irony of the Trojan War" is that "though it was fought over Helen, who was immature and beautiful, past the fourth dimension they rescued her ten years after, she was old and ugly" (moral: "an ugly adult female is never a reward"),[4] and that "the Opium War was fought in 1840 to 1842 between the Chinese and the Mexicans".[5]

The field of study Noblet teaches changes often over the course of the serial, and in the flick he teaches science. Noblet frequently wears cowboy boots (and at one point, only cowboy boots—when he posed nude for a sketch past Jellineck). He secretly desires to exist a rock star and appears to idolize the band Kansas in detail. He is also in a secret honey affair with Jellineck and frequently refers to his wife, Clair, to maintain his appearance of heterosexuality. He has a son, Seamus, who is mentioned but never seen in the series. Noblet seems to harbor more guilt and shame over his sexuality than Jellineck and will instantly abandon him in order to keep his own homosexuality a clandestine, simply the ii appear to have 18-carat feelings for each other; whenever their relationship is in trouble, Noblet will cry wretchedly. The two sometimes consummate their affair through roleplaying: pretending to "bump into each other" for the first time, introducing themselves (with much give-and-take of their wives and children), and ultimately sneaking off somewhere to accept sex.

Noblet appeared in all episodes except "The Virgin Jerri". In the final episode of the serial, Noblet openly tells his class virtually the "hot, donkey-thumping sexual practice" that he and Jellineck enjoy; nonetheless, the form was non paying attention since it was the final week of school. In an interview with Terry Gross, Colbert addressed the question of why Noblet is always so brutal to Jerri, maxim that Noblet is miserably repressed and has built his unabridged life on lies, which has placed him in constant fear of exposure, and he is thus deeply threatened and resentful of Jerri for e'er asking questions and trying to figure her life out.

Clair Noblet [edit]

Clair Noblet (Carolyn Popp, Evelyn McGee in the picture show) is Chuck Noblet'southward wife, who is only seen three times in the serial. Information technology is believed that she and Chuck accept a strained marriage, and she seems to exist but as his beard. In ane scene, Chuck asks her "Volition we be having sex tonight?" When she says no, he is relieved and tin autumn asleep.

Geoffrey Jellineck [edit]

Geoffrey Jellineck (Paul Dinello) (pronounced JOFF-ree, equally opposed to the more mutual JEFF-ree) is Jerri's flamboyant, insecure, narcissistic art teacher. He appeared in all episodes except "Bare Stare: Part 1". Jellineck has repeatedly stated he is a "confirmed available", though he refers to imaginary children and a dead wife as function of his odd fantasy life, about notably in "A Burden's Burden". He revealed that he became wealthy after allegedly participating in his rich aunt'south death in "A Price Too High for Riches", the Season 2 finale, which must take taken place chronologically after Flavour 2, Episode 3, "Yes, Y'all Tin can't", where Jellineck briefly becomes homeless after quitting his job. He and Chuck Noblet share a homosexual human relationship, which is allegedly secret, although everyone merely Blackman seems to know nigh it. Jellineck is superficially a very kind and sunny person (in the film he tells Jerri, "You can talk to me: I'1000 an say-so figure, simply I have the mind of a child."), and he is generally very encouraging to Jerri, admitting without having much actually valuable guidance to offering. Paul Dinello has said that this attribute of the character was based on the personalities of teachers and professors who try to be "one of the kids" and call back they're succeeding, but in reality are regarded every bit slightly creepy. Beneath the surface, Jellineck has enough of rage and despair, and these dark emotions surface with very niggling provocation. He has been bullied by his students and fifty-fifty past one of the school's teachers, although he is a pacifist (and a coward) and refuses to fight back. On one memorable occasion, Jellineck lost his face in a car blow caused by Jerri, although it was eventually establish and restored. After it was first reattached, it nearly blew away in the current of air, but otherwise he seems to take made a full recovery.

Onyx Blackman [edit]

Onyx Blackman (Greg Hollimon) is the overly stern main of Flatpoint High who appeared in all thirty episodes. He rules Flatpoint High with an iron fist, insisting that his likeness exist placed in as many prominent positions throughout the school every bit possible, including, only non limited to, the school letterman jackets, the buses, silk robes, every classroom, air fresheners, art projects, restrooms, paper towels, and even backside shelves. He also seems to have great pleasure in making announcements over the loudspeaker which include phrases such as "Hearken to my voice!" and are accompanied on at least i occasion by his secretarial assistant, Iris Puffybush, dramatically playing the bongos.

Various episodes plant that Blackman has a gambling trouble, is divorced, nonetheless lives with his parents, and has a fetish for eye-aged white women. Blackman apparently enjoys a very active sex life (he is seen romancing several ladies during the form of the series, once even enjoying a romantic, candlelit dinner in his office in the middle of a school day). For some reason, he is absolutely clueless virtually Noblet and Jellineck'due south ongoing thing, even when confronted with fairly obvious evidence. He is concerned about the reputation of the school insofar every bit his lifestyle and livelihood depend on information technology, but he displays very petty interest in his students themselves or in didactics in general. As a black man, he is frequently the object of other characters' racism, but, maybe due to his naturally draconian approach to sensitive matters, seems to accept it without objection.

Cherri Wolf [edit]

Motorbus Cherri Wolf (Sarah Thyre) is the Flatpoint gym jitney and a suspected lesbian/bisexual. While she is depicted as a stereotypical "dyke" coach for most of the evidence's run, she plain fell in love with Geoffrey Jellineck while they were pretending to be married during "To Love, Honor, and Pretend", just he broke her middle when he left their fake wedlock to go back to his surreptitious relationship with Chuck Noblet. She claimed to exist a virgin well into adulthood and preached abstinence to her students, only then she slept with a fiery Latino pizza chef in "The Virgin Jerri". Omnibus Wolf also worked at the pizza parlor to make ends run across. Her form was rebuilt into a Sticky Bunnery in the last episode, and she got a chore there, citing better pay and child care.

Iris Puffybush [edit]

Iris Puffybush (Dolores Duffy) is the school secretary in such episodes as "To Beloved, Accolade, and Pretend" and "Bully". Duffy likewise pops up in other places throughout the show, such as a secretarial assistant in the medico's office in "Jerri'due south Called-for Issue" and a nurse in "Hitting and Run".

Cassie Pines [edit]

Cassie Pines (Janeane Garofalo) is the pupil counselor at Flatpoint High, and, every bit such, her offset responsibility is, of course, to the teachers. She openly despises the students and clearly hates her chore, giving horrible communication to Jerri after her father died. At the end of the series, she got a job in the Viscous Bunnery alongside Omnibus Wolfe. Co-ordinate to the sound commentary, Cassie Pines' proper noun is a reference to coffins as caskets made of pinewood.

Jazzy [edit]

Jazzy (Larry Marshall) is the music teacher at Flatpoint High with an amore for the female person students that he must detect clever ways to adjourn. He misses his days every bit a heroin addict.

Joe Liss [edit]

Flatpoint students [edit]

Orlando Pinatubo [edit]

Orlando "Or" Pinatubo (Orlando Abdo Pabotoy) is Jerri'south best friend, a Filipino whom she constantly mocks because of his race. In the first season particularly, he had a huge shell on Jerri and was non above spreading rumors about her dear interests to finish her from seeing them (as in "Bogie Nights" and "Permit Freedom Band"). Sadly, Jerri does not reciprocate his romantic feelings. Like Tammi Littlenut, he is very innocent, always expects the best of Jerri, and is crestfallen when she inevitably disappoints him. He is close to his family unit, and they hold "parties" where they dance and tell stories with their hands. In the final episode, Orlando and Tammi take both become obsessed with a Dungeons and Dragons–like function-playing game, perhaps their nerdiest development yet.

The character Megawatti Sukarnoputri is used in the flick version.

Tammi Littlenut [edit]

Tammi Littlenut (Maria Thayer) is Jerri's best girlfriend and frequent object of her animalism. In most cases, she is grounded and sane, providing a voice of reason and normalcy in the odd social structure of Flatpoint High and tries to requite Jerri good advice, though she never takes information technology. Like Orlando, she is a very sweet and innocent person who never seems to grasp how sleazy Jerri truly is. However, in very rare instances, Tammi can exist seen joining in with other Flatpointers in acts of bullying and paranoia (she joins in laughing at Glen the Bus Driver in "The Blank Page", for instance). Additionally, in "Invisible Love", she had a close romantic relationship with the school's science teacher. Oft referred to as "Tammela", "Coppertop", and "Nuttage" or as a "redheaded spitfire" past Jerri, Tammi occasionally brings out a more masculine side in Jerri: Jerri has become quite ambitious when defending Tammi from bullies ("Great"), and when Tammi and Jerri were charged with taking care of a baby, Jerri quickly fell into the office of an emotionally abusive, deadbeat dad to Tammi's intimidated housewife ("A Brunt's Brunt").

Chip Beavers [edit]

Chip Beavers (Patrick Blindauer) appears in the episodes "Jerri Is Only Peel Deep", "Who Wants Cake?", "The Blank Folio", "Hit and Run", "Trail of Tears", "Invisible Honey", and "Is My Daddy Crazy?" Chip's main characterization is commonly to raise his hand and endeavor to answer a question usually supplied by Noblet, simply to go yelled at.

Jimmy Tickles [edit]

Jimmy Tickles (Jack Ferver) is Tammi and Jerri's diminutive and presumably gay friend. Often he is spontaneously beaten upwards by jocks for no definite reason, though his beatings often follow peculiarly flamboyant dialog or actions of Jimmy'due south (his repeated phrase I'thou so jazzed! oftentimes directly led to his beingness beaten up). Jerri forced him to have sex with her in the girls' bathroom at the end of "The Virgin Jerri". Early appearances, also before the beatings, showed him every bit beingness a relatively heterosexual, straight-laced pupil.

Erstwhile students [edit]

  • Paul Cotton (Jared Ryan, "Let Liberty Ring") is a student accused of spray painting the "N" word on a Flatpoint wall. Jerri befriends him and when it is revealed that Jerri is the culprit backside the offense, Paul reveals that his parents are Black, but due to a recessive gene, he comes off as white.
  • Trish (Stephanie Sanditz, "The Trip Dorsum") is a stoner girl whom Jerri befriends afterward not studying for her finals; turning back to drugs leads Jerri back to jail.
  • Alan Tiresias (Matt Newton, "Backside Bare Eyes") is a blind new pupil at Flatpoint High who wants to effort out for the football team, but no one will let him. Jerri befriends him and learns how difficult information technology is to be blind after trying a bandanna around her eyes to feel blindness.
  • Jared (Derek Richardson, "Jerri'due south Burning Outcome") is Jerri's i-episode boyfriend whom she has unprotected sex with; he subsequently breaks up with her later discovering she has syphilis.
  • Laird (Chris Carmack, "Invisible Love") is a jock who dabbles in a secret relationship with Jerri. She is usually hiding in random places (i.due east. garbage can, air duct) as he is ashamed of beingness seen with her.
  • Miles (Judson Morgan, "There In one case Was a Bare from Nantucket") is a member of the school jazz orchestra who asks Jerri out, but Jerri, already dealing with sexual harassment from the jocks, has a "good-and-bad" flare-up effectually him before telling him the truth.
  • Skeet (Jamie Bennett, "There Once Was a Bare from Nantucket") is a jock who, with his friends, sexually harasses Jerri by openly mocking her sexual escapades and writing horrible things about her in the boys' bathroom. He and his friends planned to torment Jerri with a sign reading "Jerri Blank is a stupid whore" at the jazz recital, but Jerri shell them to it and revealed a relatively larger banner.
  • Edie Harley (Natalie Blalock, "Peachy") is a new pupil at Flatpoint who begins to bully Tammi, simply for Jerri to step in and stand up up for Tammi. Edie challenges Jerri to fight her after schoolhouse, and because of her "street code", Jerri accepts. At the fight, Jerri tells Edie that she loves her, sparking Edie to hug Jerri; Jerri takes this chance to beat Edie downwardly with the peace necklace Jellineck gave her.
  • Fran (Winona Ryder, "The Last Temptation of Bare") is the most popular girl in schoolhouse. When a classmate challenges her to plough Jerri absurd enough for pop guy Brent Brooks to ask her out, Fran takes on the challenge. She is sarcastic and obnoxious, but past the cease of the episode, she comes to admit that Jerri is cooler than her considering of her big heart and runs off to "be a junkie whore for 32 years".
  • Brent Brooks (Paul Rudd, "The Last Temptation of Blank") is presumably the most popular guy at Flatpoint. He stands in the groundwork as the other popular kids choice on the unpopular; his dialogue is usually portrayed with boredom.

Other characters [edit]

Male parent [edit]

Father (Alan Tudyk) is the leader of the cult that Jerri joined out of loneliness and low in "Blank Stare" parts i and 2. Past the stop of "Blank Stare - Part 2", he is so sick of Jerri, he arranges to have her taken back by Blackman, Noblet, Jellineck, and the Flatpoint Loftier staff.

Random career guy [edit]

The random career guy (Andy Richter) is a heavyset possibly early on-30-something guy who is seen in three episodes doing different jobs. In "Yes, You Tin't", he was a recruitment coach for the local bogus flower visitor; in "Trail of Tears", he was an Indian operating the controls at a railroad ride, when Jerri started throwing rocks at him; and in "Blank Relay", he was the "NutraWhiz clerk" at a chemist's, giving Jerri steroids.

References [edit]

  1. ^ Sometime Habits, New Beginnings
  2. ^ Dreams on the Rocks
  3. ^ Let Freedom Ring
  4. ^ Jerri Is Merely Skin Deep
  5. ^ The Trip Back


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Strangers_with_Candy_characters

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